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This is the home page of the Quincala Games, invented by Ulf Åberg. They are a family of abstract board games for two players, played on a board with black and white pieces of different sizes. Read more about Quincala ...
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3 November 2013: Although the Quincala project is still alive, we have decided to close the limited company AB Games Ltd that was set up to deal with the commercial side of the project. Quincala game sets will be sold directly from Ulf in the future. All copyright in the name of AB Games Ltd will be the sole property of the author.
6 February 2013: Sadly, the first official Quincala tournament at the London Mind Sports Olympiad in August 2013 is cancelled. I felt that more analysis was needed before I know if there is a forced draw or not.
1 February 2013: following some deeper analysis of Quincala endgame tactics, I have constructed some positions that look very hard-to-beat, and could possibly turn out to be forced draws. Please see the document The Fortress Challenge - a Forced Draw? for details. The documents Mini Quincala Knocking Game End Game tactics for positions with many towers and Study on the first 8 tower end position are also updated with the new insights from the analysis.
23 September 2012: First online Quincala shop is open! Navigate there by clicking on the tab above or clicking here.
12 October 2012: A new document with lots of diagrams to explain the rules (optimised for colour printing) is posted here: Mini Knocking Game Rule Diagrams with English explanations
28 September 2012: The 19 scores and a puzzle from the London Mind Sports Olympiad Demo 24 August 2012 are posted here.
28 September 2012: A draft notation system for Quincala is posted here.
29 August 2012: Many towers end game tactics document updated; the second exhaust example is corrected, and "twin defence" is renamed to "twin response" to avoid confusion with a position already containing a twin of large pieces:
Mini Quincala Knocking Game End Game tactics for positions with many towers (updated)20 August 2012: Two new documents on end game strategy and tactics for positions with many towers posted:
Study on the first 8 tower end position and
Mini Quincala Knocking Game End Game tactics for positions with many towers12 August 2012: It was a nice afternoon in the Artrix Arts Centre in Bromsgrove. Not so many members of the general public appeared, but there were good and inspiring conversations, and some interesting games were played (scores here).
5 August 2012: A Quincala demo at the Artrix Centre in Bromsgrove, UK, on the 11th August from 1pm in aid of the Stroke Association! Thank you to Tony Boyle of Bromsgrove Abstract Games Club for the invite.
22 July 2012: The mini Quincala rules are now available in Czech translation! Thank you to Hana Kotinova for the translation, get them here.
21 July 2012: A dozen scores from Ulf's visit to Czech Open, Pardubice, Czech Republic 19-21 July 2012, posted here. An overall successful visit featuring the first sales of Quincala game sets!
7 May 2012: A few scores from Ulf's visit to Birmingham Go club on May 5th, posted here. The last score features an interesting win by towers in tandem.
26 April 2012: Ulf will visit the Birmingham Go club on Saturday 28 April at 2.30pm, to show Quincala and learn a bit of Go! Contact me for more info.
3 April 2012: Old scores from May 2011 and 24 August 2011 (with the first occurrence of Brown's Trap) are posted here.
3 April 2012: I have finally posted most of the scores from the visit to the Mind Sports Olympiad on 26 August 2012, here. First occurrence of simultaneous Quincala and a win by a Mohican.
19 February 2012: The Quincala homepage has moved to this new European internet address www.quincala.eu; however, for the foreseeable future, www.quincala.com will redirect to this site so you will not need to change any bookmarks in a hurry.
1 August 2011: There will be some Mini-Quincala Knocking Game demonstrations and possibly an informal tournament on the 26 August 2011 at the Mind Sports Olympiad in London. Please contact Ulf for more details if you would like to come.
Click here for more information and location of the official MSO event in London: http://www.boardability.com/
14 Feb 2011: Following the birth of my gorgeous baby boy, my Quincala activities are temporarily slowed down.